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Leverage Facebook E-Commerce for Social Campaigns March 9, 2011

Posted by alkhoudarynz in Articles I've Read.
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As Facebook social campaigns become more mainstream, marketers can increase ROI by integrating e-commerce functionality. Campaigns leveraging the Facebook store could include:

  • Facebook contests that request Likes can automatically send users to the Facebook store to encourage product browsing.
  • Businesses can post ads, promotions, flash sales, or product-focused press to their Wall and link to the Facebook store’s PDP pages, enabling quick purchasing ability within the social network.
  • By leveraging the Facebook Fans API, brands are empowered to combine “deals of the day” or product announcements with deep links to product detail and purchase pages within the Facebook store. This approach gives the user fast transaction capabilities, while also helping the brand collect the user’s data and demographic details.
  • Facebook is currently testing a “Buy With Friends” program, which allows brands to offer discount incentives to users who encourage their friends to buy the same item by publishing purchases on friends’ news feeds.


Facebook users spend more than 700 billion minutes per month browsing the network. As many consumers are increasingly spending the majority of their online time on Facebook, it’s crucial for brands to maximize their social presence with a Facebook commerce strategy that encourages social shopping and drives additional revenue.



Published by Mashable


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